Family business
Owned by the Porters family – since 1883
Porters’ History
As the home of hardware for Mackay and Whitsunday since 1883, Porters Group is a proud member of our local community. We are still family owned, and our history involves the lives and families of so many people throughout this beautiful region.
Inspirations Paint has expanded in the Whitsundays with the addition of Porters Inspirations Paint Cannonvale – which opened in September 2024 within Porters Mitre 10 Whitsunday.
Inspirations Paint is added to the Northern Beaches offering – with Porters Inspirations Paint Northern Beaches opened in January 2023.
Northern Beaches gets their own trade centre – with Porters Northern Beaches Trade Centre opening in August 2020.
Inspirations Paint opens in March within the Porters Mackay complex.
Porters announced the acquisition of the Woodman’s Stores in Marian, Sarina and Cannonvale – joining the Mitre 10 buying group in Australia.
Porters Building Supplies opened in March, now Porters Mitre 10 Mackay Trade Centre.
Porters Plumbing Supplies opens in August.
Porters’ Brisbane Street showroom opened where the current Porters Mitre 10 Mackay City business stands today. Their motto was ‘anything in building materials’.
Porters began importing iron from England, glass products from Belgium, paint from America and fibrolite sheeting from France.
Charles Porter attended inaugural meeting to form the Mackay Master Builders Association.
Charles was one of the early contributors to the association. Porters has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with Master Builders that still continues today.
Charles Porter introduced hardware and plumbing supplies into the business.
Products included Rogers Paint, Wunderlich Art Metal and various building material products including hot water systems, oil engines, electric light installations, gas and wood stoves.
Charles Porter commenced building Empress of India Hotel (currently Taylors Hotel).
The building was finished in nine months without the use of power tools, ready-mix cement or mechanical lifts. Charles Porter and his building team relied on manual tools of trade, including ladders, winches and transport through horse and bullock drawn carts.