How to improve your lawn in 4 easy steps

Maintaining a healthy and well-kept lawn is not only a delightful experience but also a source of pride. It enhances the value of your property by creating an appealing environment for your home, trees, shrubs, and flowering plants. Therefore, it is worthwhile to invest some time and effort into keeping your lawn in excellent condition. In this do-it-yourself guide, we present four simple steps that can help you achieve this goal.

Here's an exclusive tip for you: Having the most outstanding lawn in your neighbourhood doesn't require endless hours of maintenance. Instead, it's about providing consistent and quality care. Discover more by continuing to read.


Step 1 - Fertilise

To keep your lawn healthy and vibrant, regular fertilization plays a crucial role by supplying vital nutrients necessary for grass growth and prosperity. After mowing, apply a gentle spray of Seasol Lawn Lush to your lawn. This product not only nourishes and rejuvenates the grass, but also stimulates robust root development and beneficial microorganisms in the soil. Additionally, it promotes vigorous growth and enhances the color of foliage.


Step 2 - Reduce Weeds

Regularly mowing your lawn is the most effective strategy for preventing the growth of weeds that have dispersed seeds within your lawn. It serves as a deterrent by limiting the amount of light and nutrients available to these weed seeds, while also enabling you to maintain the grass at an ideal height. By keeping a close eye on the length of your lawn, you can create shading effects on the soil, effectively impeding the germination of weed seeds.


Step 3 - A quick high mow

Similar to getting a fresh haircut, you'd be surprised by the transformative effect a quick trim can have on your lawn. Maintaining the proper mowing height is crucial for the overall health of your lawn. Trimming the grass too short can cause stress to the roots, resulting in a weakened and unhealthy lawn.


Step 4 - Alternate Mowing Patterns

To foster a uniform and thriving lawn, it is beneficial to vary your mowing technique by alternating directions and changing patterns. Consistently mowing in a single direction can cause the grass to lean in that particular direction, resulting in an uneven look and increased susceptibility to diseases and pests.

By regularly altering your mowing pattern, you encourage upright growth and discourage the grass from leaning in any specific direction. This practice contributes to an even and visually appealing lawn, enhancing its overall appearance.


Project Shopping List

  • Lawn Mower

  • Seasol Lawn Lush

  • Garden Hose


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